Zürcher Theater Spektakel

Stadt Zürich Tagesanzeiger News Print Swiss RE ZKB - Zürcher Kantonalbank

Kalauz & Schick


A woman and a man are sitting on two camping chairs. In rudimentary English, they try to talk about something that isn’t: some idea, some project, something that has happened in the past. With the help of their hands and feet, gestures, movements and a flip chart they try to explain themselves until the other finally gets it: «Oh, yes.» Based on Wittgenstein’s quote «The limits of my language mean the limits of my world», the Zurichbased Argentine performer Laura Kalauz and the Swiss actor and dancer Martin Schick explore how to make sense in a creative act which involves body and space. (esc)

  • Language

    German and English

  • Duration

    50 mins

  • In addition

    An event promoted by the Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik