Zürcher Theater Spektakel

Stadt Zürich Tagesanzeiger News Print Swiss RE ZKB - Zürcher Kantonalbank
Egypt / Switzerland

Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll)

Radio Muezzin

When Swiss director Stefan Kaegi went to Cairo to look for muezzins for   a new theatre production, the mosque criers had one specific concern:  that no actors would participate. Devout Muslims consider actors unholy  because they show «false life». Little did they know that their philosophy  coincided with the basic tenet of Rimini Protokoll’s documentary theatre:  simply to present «experts in daily living». Kaegi’s interest was aroused  by the controversy surrounding Cairo’s 30,000 muezzins whose prayer  calls are to be replaced by one centralised radio muezzin. In «Radio Muezzin»  four muezzins talk about their life and allow an insight into real life in  Islam – as opposed to the distortions of Western views. (kdi)

  • Language

    Arabic, with English and German subtitles

  • Duration

    75 mins

Radio Muezzin